Empty Nester Shirt


Empty Nester
Empty Nester
SKU: 000012 Category:


Empty Nester Shirt
Empty Nester

Empty Nester by definition, a parent whose children have grown up and left home. Being an empty nester has many advantages. No longer having to pay for food, clothing and cost of raising children. Though they still offer financial support. Having more time, energy and resources to spend on travel, hobbies and leisure activities. Having more time to work to increase income. And a quiet clean house!

Some parents experience empty nest syndrome, the sadness or emotional turmoil that parents grapple with in the wake of their children growing up and moving out of the family home. ‘Nest” refers to the popular saying that children spread their wings when they grow up and move on. Empty Nesters often complain of feeling old, no longer in the prime of life. Being a little lonely, the house is too quiet. Having more household chores, the kids use to do. All these things can create what’s called the empty nest syndrome. Feelings of anxiety, sadness, loss of purpose and depression on the parents part now that the children have left home.

So, put on the empty nester T-shirt and make a statement! This time in an empty nester life should be a wonderful new beginning. Take this time to reconnect with yourself as well as others. Pick an old hobby back up or explore something new that you’ve always wanted to try. Make time to do the things you want to do without and disruption, and go the places you want to go without having to worry about others. Having an empty nest isn’t a bad thing, it simply means that its time for you to spread your wings too. Now that you don’t have a household to run, take the time to reach out to friends you may have lost touch with, they might be in a similar situation, empty nester.



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S, M, L, XL, XXL


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