Online Piano Lessons Checklist

Online Piano Lesson Checklist
Online Piano Lesson Checklist

The online piano lessons checklist consists of, An internet connection, phone tablet or computer. A Keyboard or Piano is all you need to get started taking piano lessons online and unlock all your creative imagination. The better the speed the better the connection. Wait! I forgot, and a folder, yes, the 25-cent kind, now you have all you need, and your online piano lessons checklist is complete! Will get back to the folder later. A tablet or computer will work much better as the screens are larger making it easier for students to view on screen materials. You don’t need to have a baby grand piano, or a big expensive production workstation keyboard. A 61 key keyboard with built in speakers will do the job just find. With that being said, we all know the saying, you get what you pay for, that is true with keyboards as well. If piano lessons is something you are not really sure about, you are trying it out to see if it is something you want to continue with, then I would not recommend appending a lot of money to see what will happen, you can always upgrade later is you decide to pursue piano lessons further. But if you know this is what you want, invest the first time then you want to have to invest again. You can also look into purchasing a keyboard used, you can save big going this route. And a lot of the keyboards are practically new.

For a good experience, the lessons need to take place in a quiet area free from distractions such as a television, conversation free from as much background noise as possible. The camera angle should be a view of the piano keyboard so the instructor can see keyboard and account for proper hand placement. Students should come to piano lessons prepared with the knowledge from previous weeks assigned practice work, and with a ready to learn attitude. The folder will be good for keeping all music related materials. Arranged, in order and easily available. A regular practice routine should be maintained, 20 mins, 5 days a week at a minimum will lead to music to your ears and mine! 

Lesson materials can be downloaded and printed out on a home printer. Or materials can be purchased from Amazon for $8.

If you are ready to explore the language of music, email us at and book your lesson today. And start filling the world with beautiful music!

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