Amputee Motivation, Handicap Parking. Pulled into the parking lot listening to Bruno mars, looking for a parking spot, you know the handicap parking spot, $#!+, none are available, have to find a spot where the regular people park. Finally find a spot to park, get the knee rover out the car, proceed to scoot to the grocery store, and out comes a young healthy person, jumps in the car parked in the first handicapped parking spot, and drive away. Ain’t that bout a @$#^%&.
Where’s the parking police when you need them. I think it should be an app that let me take pictures of cars in handicapper spots and they get mailed a ticket. I know what you are thinking, what if they have a disability
you can’t see. O.k. when the registration goes through the vehicle driving people database, good old Mr. Computer will get it right.
It knows who being naughty or nice, who get to park valet and who don’t, yep good ole Mr. Computer will know who has handicapped parking and who don’t. There needs to be a ranking system, who has the most
disability points get top priority over the handicapped spots. Especially in the winter and on rainy days. And the weekend just in case the handicappers want to hang out! I Dunno maybe color code the spots or something. I just know if you do not have a registered handicapped parking pass, and you get caught parking in one, that should be your @$$. That is all I am saying period, p-e-r-i-o-d, period. That should be the biggest ticket. So big, make a show called the biggest ticket! Cause I hate it, hate it when people park in the handicapped parking with no tags, sticker, rear view mirror hanging thing or nothing. And come skipping and laughing out the store, and my leg hurt. Now I have to walk or scoot a longer distance when I should not have had to, that is all I am saying. Has to be some accountability, for lack of disability, if caught parking in the disabled parking. Can I get an Amen!
To learn the history of Handicap-Parking spaces, visit